
How Video Marketing Can Help in Growth Hacking

Using video marketing to advertise your brand or product can be done in many ways and is an excellent business growth strategy.

A video tutorial explaining how to use your product or service on a landing page often generates favorable results and is a great way to increase sales over the Internet, especially when it is a more complex sale, which requires the aid of audio and images to make its benefits clear to the customer.

And there are several other ways to use video marketing, especially associated with content marketing.

You can create a web series, of a few episodes, contextualizing the situations your products and services can be used, be it for B2C or B2B.

Rocket launching.In addition, with practical tools for creating online videos, such as mysimpleshow, you can summarize the concepts presented in the text of a blog, for example, and embed this video at the bottom of the page and also create a Youtube channel where these videos can be accessed.

But in this post, we’re going to talk about a different way to use videos in content marketing: how to viralize marketing videos using growth hacking marketing strategies.

Follow our tips and see that with a good video editing tool and the use of these techniques, the public’s knowledge of your business can grow quickly.

6 Video Marketing Techniques for Viral Videos

The 6 techniques for video marketing that we’re going to present were created by Johan Berger in his famous book entitled “Contagious”.

These are tactics that can be used with several other pieces of communication, in addition to videos, but that certainly work very well for those who want to work with video marketing. There’s a science to viral video content, and Berger figured it out!

Social Media engagement markers.1- Social Currency

40% of what people say is linked to their personal experiences. People do this most of the time, when they have something to tell that is fun or that makes them come across as smarter and funnier.

This has a value in the exchange of social content that makes people feel better, recognized and even admired: they want to generate internal notability in their social groups.

When offering this type of content to people in your marketing videos, include something smart and fun that their friends would share as well.

One tip is to put curious and unusual facts, like the example given in the book: did you know that a duck’s quack doesn’t echo?

2- Triggers

Triggers are tiny souvenirs scattered throughout the environment and the media that make people relate to an idea and take action.

You need to create triggers in your videos that associate everyday situations with your brand, so that whenever they happen, customers will think of your business name.

For example: just hearing the crackling sound of a can opening containing a fizzy drink makes people think of their favorite brand. Use triggers like this.

3- Emotions

Whenever a message is associated with a strong emotion, it attaches more easily to people’s memories. That’s why emotional storytelling is so valuable!

That’s why videos of kids having fun, playful kittens or funny scenes of people falling are so virulent.

Negative emotions, like those videos with a scare at the end, or with scenes of accidents, also have great power to spread.

It’s up to you to decide how to use this in a way that doesn’t detract from the image of your product or service.

Use common sense! After all, the goal here is to lead to business success and growth, so don’t associate your brand with something that might not please your customers.

Tip: Don’t use feelings of sadness, which can generate an unpleasant client experience. This decreases the likelihood of sharing by 16%!

Emotions icon.4- Public

Show everyone, make it publicly known that your company was the author of that content. You can use a phrase such as: produced by [YOUR BRAND] so other people interested in sharing such cool content may end up searching for your site, your blog or your YouTube channel.

5- Practical Value

People like to show that they are useful and share things that have helped them or that can help other people. This post, for example, can be quite useful for someone who wants to do video marketing and also use it for content marketing.

Some readers might share it with friends who need this information, or with the marketing staff of the company in which they work, showing that they understand the subject.

6- Stories

People love to tell stories and to listen to them. The power of storytelling has increasingly been employed in advertising and you can also use this tactic in a viral marketing video. For example, Coca-Cola is masterful in creating iconic videos with captivating characters that live a short story. They end up being shared by millions of people, especially during the holiday season. Using personal stories to create content also proves to be favorable among video viewers.

A good idea is to model a process in your company so that this type of video marketing content is created quickly. By following each of the tips presented, it will spread efficiently, publicizing your brand and most likely, bringing more and more customers to your business.

This content was written by the HEFLO team, a free and intuitive online process modeling platform that can be accessed by the cloud.